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Amish Valley Products Pickled Eggs in Beet Juice

Pickled Eggs Egg Sausages Quail Just Eggs Pickled Beets Eggs Large Jalapeno Amis
Pickled Eggs Egg Sausages Quail Just Eggs Pickled Beets Eggs Large Jalapeno AmisPickled Eggs Egg Sausages Quail Just Eggs Pickled Beets Eggs Large Jalapeno AmisPickled Eggs Egg Sausages Quail Just Eggs Pickled Beets Eggs Large Jalapeno Amis
List Price: $7.95
  • PICKLED BEET EGGS in Beet Juice with just the right blend of Pickling!
  • MADE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY in Holmes County, OHIO, Amish Country Just Right! Delicious!
  • FAVORITE SIDE DISH at Amish Church Meals and Weddings!
  • PERFECT for Fancy Dinner Parties, Sliced on Salads, Alongside Soup or a Sandwich or Eaten Straight from the Jar
  • INGREDIENTS: Eggs, Vinegar, Water, Beet Juice, Sugar, Salt, Spices, Red #40, Bisulfate of Soda. CONTAINS EGGS
Price: $6.95
Average: 3.7 (11 votes)
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